In 2017, JASCO joined the KONOIKE Group; a global enterprise listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and
has immediately become one of the strengths of KONOIKE Group’s Airport Division.
JASCO currently has six major functions including Flight Operation Management, Baggage Handling & Special Passenger Assistance
Services, Cabin Cleaning, Loading/Unloading & Aircraft Movement, Cargo & Mail Handling and self-support GSE Maintenance.
Moreover, it is still organically growing its capacity and capability to the other fields of ground handling.
To fulfill the commitment for safe flight operation with high-quality services, JASCO tailors all SOPs based on the operational
requirements of respective customer carriers and exercise Point-and-Assured at each & every critical point of the process to
ensure full compliance. Such exercise has earned JASCO a fame of service excellence with quite a few awards from our customer